目 录
焉耆七个星出土纳骨器研究………………………………………………………………毕 波
辽金“赞叹宁”………… …………………………………………………………………陈彦姝
Sogdian Women in the Diaspora ………………………………… Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
侨居地的粟特女性…………………………………………………………………………德 金
粟特商队到于阗——BH4-135之于阗文书的解读………………………………………段 晴
吐蕃“告身制度”的考古学新印证………………………………………………………霍 巍
拜火教与火崇拜……………………………………………………………………………李 肖
大秦宝二则:苏和香与琉璃………………………………………………………………林 英
北周西国胡人翟曹明墓志及墓葬遗物…………………………………………罗丰 荣新江
的另外一种“读后感”………………………………………………………………屈 涛
The Sogdian Buddhist Fragments of the Berlin Turfan Collection…………………Christiane Reck
柏林吐鲁番藏品中的粟特语佛教残片……………………………………………………芮 柯
From Aramaic to Manchu: Prehistory, life and after-life of the Sogdian script
………………………………………………………………………Nicholas Sims-Williams
——兼谈下颌托与流寓中国粟特人的关系…………………………………………宋 馨
北周凉州萨保史君墓研究综述…………………………………………………杨军凯 荣新江
回鹘时代:10-12世纪的塞北丝绸之路……………………………………………………杨 蕤
粟特商人的接班人?——管窥丝路上的伊朗犹太商人…………………………………张 湛
介绍胡客翟门生墓门志铭及石屏风………………………………………………………赵 超
Glasses Found in China along the Silk Road……………………………………………An Jiayao
The Tarqan of the Khaghanate of the Western Tujue, and the Sogdians………Masaharu Arakawa
The Reinterpretation of the Manuscript U72-U73 and U206
about the Conversion of Uygur to Manichaeism…………………………………Bai Yudong
On An Ossuary from Shikshin, Karashahr……………………………………………………Bi Bo
Zandaniji in Liao, Jin Silks……………………………………………………………Chen Yanshu
The Winged Creatures on Sino-Sogdian Monuments
and Their Central Asian Antecedents………………………………………Matteo Compareti
Sogdian Women in the Diaspora ………………………………… Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
Accounts in Khotanese with Signature of the Leader of a Sogdian Caravan…………Duan Qing
A Study of the Sogdian on the Qinghai Route青海道 of the Silk Road:
Clues Provided by the Epitaph of Kang Ling-yun 康令恽………………Fukushima Megumi
New Archaeological Evidence for the Gaoshen 告身 System of the Ancient Tibet…… Huo Wei
Two-point Suspension System of Daggers and Swords in Pre-Islamic Eastern Eurasia
………………………………………………………………………………Etsuko Kageyama
The Authenticity of the Early Sixth Century Stone Sarcophagus in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Central Asian Beds and Sarcophagi from Sogdian Tombs
…………………………………………………………………………………Annette Juliano
The Goddess on the Miho Bed: A Clue to the Its Ownership?………………………Judith Lerner
The Meaning of the Writing Patterns of Epitaphs of Sogdians
and Their Descendants in the Tang Period: Take three epitaphs for example……Li Hongbin
Conservation and Study on the Tianshui Couch with Panels……………………………Li Ningmin
Zoroastrianism and Fire Worship……………………………………………………………Li Xiao
Home Expression of Feelings and Beliefs:
The Shanxi Jingbian Tongwan City Eight Girders Imitative Timber Structure in North M1 Mural Testing Interpretation……………………………………………………………Li Yongping
The He Chou Family and the Spreading of Sogdian Craftworks to China……………Lin Meicun
A Study of the Stone Funerary Couch of Kang Ye, Northern Zhou…………………Lin Sheng-chih
Storax and Glass: Notes on Two Daqin Treasures…………………………………………Lin Ying
Di Caoming, a hu-people from the Western Country in the Northern Zhou
and the Picture on the Gate of his Tomb………………………Luo Feng and Rong Xinjiang
Supplementary Notes on A Sogdian Fragment of the Manichaean Cosmogony………Ma Xiaohe
Sogdians’ Buddhist Faith in Luoyang in Tang Dynasty……………………………Mao Yangguang
Tuyuhun and Sogdians in the Huabei area in the Five Dynasties and Early Song
Based on a Stone Inscription Found in Dingzhou, Hebei Province……………Moribe Yutaka
Central Asia and the Activities of Sutra Translator-Monks during the Tang Dynasty…Nakata Mie
From Lingwu to Daibei: Tiele Turks, Sogdians and Tanguts
in the Huabei fanzhen in the Latter Half of the Tang Dynasty……………Nishimura Yoko
The Sogdian Buddhist Fragments of the Berlin Turfan Collection…………………Christiane Reck
What Were These Priests Within the Bird-Priest? ………………………………Pénélope Riboud
From Aramaic to Manchu: Prehistory, Life and After-life of the Sogdian Script
………………………………………………………………………Nicholas Sims-Williams
The Discovery and Decipherment of Sogdian in the Early 20th Century
…………………………………………………………………………Ursula Sims-Williams
A Sogdian Family in Dunhuang under Tibetan Control:
Focus on the Donors of Mogao Cave 359…………………………………………Sha Wutian
Some Problems on the Tomb with Stone Couch Found in Simaping, Tianshui City…Shen Ruiwen
The Origin and Development of the Metal Chin-Straps in China:
Its Relation with Sogdians in China…………………………………………………Song Xin
Two Sogdian Families in the Former Yan Dynasty………………………………………Tian Likun
Sheli 舍利 and Shoufu受福 in Han-Jin Pictorial Arts:
A Case Study of Localized Exotic Motifs…………………………………………Hsing I-tien
Military Government and Family Property: the Sogdian Military Government Officials
and Army Corps from the Late Northern Dynasties to Early Tang Dynasty…Yamashita Shōji
Survey on Studies of Liangzhou sabao Shi Jun’s Tomb,
Northern Zhou………………………………………………Yang Junkai and Rong Xinjiang
The Age of Uighur: The Silk Road in the North Great Wall During 10-12th Century……Yang Rui
A Re-Examination of Burial Customs of Sogdians in China from Late Northern Dynasties to Sui Dynasty: Focusing on Newly Discovered Sogdian Tombs in China……………Yao Chongxin
Sogdians in Khotan: Some New Interpretations
of the Two Judeo-Persian Letters from Khotan …………………………… Yoshida Yutaka
Yuezhi People on the Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty from the Hexi Region……Zhang Defang
Reexamination of the hu-People in China:
A Study on Cao Yi ‘s Epitaph of the Tang Dynasty……………………………Zhang Qingjie
On the Derivation of Chinese Zoroastrian Suluzhi 苏鲁支………………………Zhang Xiaogui
The Succesor of Sogdian Traders?
A Glimpse of the Jewish Merchants on the Silk Road……………………………Zhang Zhan
An Introduction to the Epitaph of Di Mensheng 翟门生 Inscribed
on a Pair of Stone Tomb Gatesand the Related Stone Funerary Panels……………Zhao Chao
A Turkistanization Sogdian Tribe in Yizhou in the Tang Dynasty:
A Study on the Epitaph of Cao Taicong…………………………………………Zhao Zhenhua
On Situation of Po-Han-Hu-Xi at Chang’an in the Tang Dynasty:
Focusing on Zhang Yue’s Attitude Toward the Play…………………………………Zhu Yuqi