作者: [德]苏费翔 / [美]田浩
出版社: 中华书局
副标题: 宋金元时期《中庸》与道统问题
译者: 肖永明
出版年: 2018-2
定价: 76.00元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787101130805
本书旨在以一种更具联系性与整体性的(而非追溯性的)视角,通过研究宋金元时期南北方不同文化背景之下的《中庸》与道统观念的演变与发展,来考察11至13世纪乃至13世纪以后文化权力(cultural authority)与政治文化(political culture)之间的某种复杂关系。第一部分侧重于研究与朱熹观念不同的思想家的《中庸》与道统观念,第二部分则集中探讨元代郝经对政治权力(political power)和文化权力的观点,其中亦包括郝经的《中庸》与道统观念。两部分相互关联,有机结合,突破了以往中国思想史、哲学史研究上对特定谱系上人物的过度关注,阐明了朱熹逝世之后至13世纪,朱熹的思想遗产在南北方的存续与发展。
Cultural Authority and Political Culture in China: Exploring Issues with the Zhongyong and the Daotong during the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties (Munchener Ostasiatische Studien)
[德]Christian Soffel (苏费翔) [美]Hoyt Cleveland Tillman (田浩)
How have political conflicts impacted philosophical concepts and the rise of particular intellectual lineages in China? This question is part of a contested issue - the relative strength of state power and intellectuals' cultural authority. A nuanced fathoming of Confucian intellectual currents in Zhu Xi's wake reveals that his ideas were not as rapidly or universally accepted in the thirteenth century as they have retrospectively been portrayed. By exploring views of the Zhongyong and the succession and transmission of the Way (daotong), the authors demonstrate the complexity of the relationship between cultural authority and political culture. Their study highlights the independence of Wang Bo and Hao Jing on such issues.
Publication Info
Series: Munchener Ostasiatische Studien (Book 85)
Paperback: 223 pages
Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag; Multilingual edition (August 15, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3515101349
ISBN-13: 978-3515101349
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches