目 录
……………………新疆龟兹研究院 北京大学中国古代史研究中心 中国人民大学国学院西域历史语言研究所
俄国国立艾尔米塔什博物馆所藏佉卢文字及婆罗谜文字木简 …………………………… 庆昭蓉
新出据史德语寺院契约文书及其他…………………………………………… 荻原裕敏 庆昭蓉
吐鲁番文书中的玄宗诗……………………………………………………………………… 朱玉麒
《希内乌苏碑》译注………………………………………………………………………… 白玉冬
尉迟曜11年裴捺卖地案牍………………………………………………… 段 晴 策勒县文管所
于阗文Or. 11252号文书简注………………………………………………………………… 刘文锁
英国图书馆斯坦因收藏品中的突厥语摩尼教文献…………皮特·茨默 撰;张铁山 李 雪 译
汉代于阗的崛起与兴盛……………………………………………………………………… 殷 晴
伊循故址新论………………………………………………………………………………… 王炳华
——商人马埃斯·提提安努斯游历的政治背景…………………… F. 葛乐耐 撰;王 楠 译
1760年乾隆皇帝《郊劳诗》汉、蒙文部分初探…………………………………………… 党宝海
论黄丙焜在清末南疆的兴利革弊功绩……………………………………………………… 王启明
论王锡祺《小方壶斋舆地丛钞》俄罗斯资料之编辑……………………………………… 徐 玮
李希霍芬的“丝绸之路”:通往一个概念的考古学……………… 丹尼尔 C. 沃 撰;蒋小莉 译
佛塞斯与新疆考古学的起源………………………………………………………………… 王冀青
西北科学考查团与近代中国考古之兴起…………………………………………………… 王新春
…………………E. 瓦尔特施密特 H. 海尔特尔 J. 哈特曼 撰;刘震 孟瑜 译
A Brief Report of the Kuchean and Other Inscriptions in the Brāhmī Script Presently Remaining
in the Kizilgaha Grottoes
……… Xinjiang Kucha Academy; Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History, Peking University; Institute for Historical and Philological Studies of China’s Western Regions, School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of China
Kharo??hī and Brāhmī Wooden Pieces Kept in the State Hermitage Museum, Russia
………………………………………………………………Ching Chao-jung
Newly Found Tumshuqese Monastic Contracts and Other Related Findings
………………………………………… Ogihara Hirotoshi & Ching Chao-jung
Poems of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty in the Documents Unearthed from Turfan
………………………………………………………………………Zhu Yuqi
?ine-Usu Inscription: Revised Text, Translation and Commentaries………………………… Bai Yudong
A Contract for Purchase of an Estate Dated to the 11th Year of the Khotanese King Vi?ya Vāha?
……………………………………… Duan Qing & AOPCR of Cele County
Brief Notes on Khotanese Manuscripts Or. 11252…………………………………………Liu Wensuo
The Manichaean Turkish Texts of the Stein Collection at the British Library
……………………………………Peter Zieme(tr. Zhang Tieshan & Li Xue)
New Research on Mani the Buddha of Light According to the Documents
from Xiapu County, Fujian Province………………………………………………… Ma Xiaohe
Rise and Prosperity of Khotan in the Han Dynasty ………………………………………… Yin Qing
New Discussion on the Location of Yixun………………………………………………Wang Binghua
Nouvelles données sur la localisation des cinq Yabghus de Yuezhi.L’Arrière plan politique
de l’itinéraire des marchands de Maès Titianos………………… Frantz Grenet(tr. Wang Nan)
On a Poem Written by Emperor Qianlong in 1760……………………………………… Dang Baohai
On Huang Bingkun’s Contribution to the Reform in Southern Xinjiang in the Late Qing Dynasty
…………………………………………………………………Wang Qiming
A Discussion of Wang Xiqi’s Compilation of Russian Information in
Geographical Compendium of Small Square Kettle Studio …………………………… Tsui Wai
Richthofen’s ‘Silk Roads’: Toward the Archaeology of a Concept
……………………………………………Daniel C. Waugh(Tr. Jiang Xiaoli)
T. D. Forsyth and the Beginning of Archaeology in Xinjiang…………………………… Wang Jiqing
The Scientific Mission to Northwest China and the Rise of the Modern Chinese Archaeology
………………………………………………………… Wang Xinchun
The Memory of Valentina Stache-Rosen, Ernst Waldschmidt and Heinz Bechert
…………Ernst Waldschmidt, Herbert H?rtel & Jens-Uwe Hartmann (tr. Liu Zhen & Meng Yu)
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions