目 錄
吐蕃的茹与千户………………………………………………岩尾一史 撰,沈 琛、陈丽芳 译
——北京古陶文明博物馆所藏新资料介绍…………………… 白须净真 撰,裴成国 译
——中国文化遗产研究院藏xj222-0661.09号回鹘文书的历史学研究 ………… 付 马
——与《史集》的对比研究……………………………………… 乌苏吉 撰,王 诚 译
观念与实践的差异——以黑山派与白山派为例 ……………………… 涂逸珊 撰,邱轶皓 译
英国牛津大学包德利图书馆藏 斯坦因与鄂登堡往来通信研究…………………………王冀青
民国时期的瑞典与中国西北考古………………………………………………………… 王新春
Contents (PDF版)
On the Prevalence of Tantrism in Khotan………………………………………………Jia Yingyi
Two Newly Identitied Fragments of the Prophecy of Go???ga …………………… Zhu Lishuang
The Ancient Tibetan ru and the Thousand District
………………………………………………Iwao Kazushi(tr. Shen Chen & Chen Lifang)
The Traffic in the Western regions before and after the
Tang conquest: a reflection on the Kuchean laissez-passers………………Ching Chao-jung
Two paper fragments of Kuchean laissez-passers kept
in the Berlin collection……………………………………………………Ogihara Hirotoshi
A Preliminary Study of the Funereal Inventory List of
Xiahou Miaomiao, Jin Period, the 5th year of Jianxing
era:Introduction of New Material Housed in the
Museum of Ancient Pottery Civilization……………… Shirasu Joshin(tr. Pei Chengguo)
A Study of the State of the Populace’s Land Area in Gaochang
Kingdom Reflected in the Unearthed Documents…………………………… Pei Chengguo
Xizhou and Beiting: On the Xizhou Soldiers and Petty Officials in Beiting……………Liu Zifan
The Expansion of the Uyghur Kingdom of Qo?o in its Early Years:
A Historical Study on the Manuscript xj222-0661.09 Housed in
Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage………………………………………………Fu Ma
A Research on the tomb of Ashina Zhong………………………………………… Shen Ruiwen
A Study on the Epitaphs of Shi Shan-ying & Shi Chong-li…………………… Chu Chen-hung
Ethnicity and Politics in Tang China: A review essay………………………………… Li Danjie
Imagery of “the Western Regions” in Lu You’s Poetry:
Its Historical Significance and Realistic Connotation ……………………… Wu Huafeng
The occupation of China by the Mongols based on the ?afarnameh
and Jāmi' al-tawārīkh……………………Mohammad Bagher Vosooghi (tr. Wang Cheng)
Differences in Ideology and Practice: the Case of the
Black and White Mountain Factions………………………?senbike Togan(tr. Qiu Yihao)
Research of Hening’s Official Career as Kashgar Counselor Minister………………Sun Wenjie
A Preliminary Study of the Correspondence between M. A. Stein and
S. F. Oldenburg Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford……………………Wang Jiqing
The Swedish Archaeological Research in Northwest China during
the Period of Republic of China………………………………………………Wang Xinchun
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions