目 录
卷首语 …………………………………………………………………………………荣新江
筚路蓝缕,拓出考古新境界:黄文弼与新疆考古………………………………… 王炳华
从斯坦因到黄文弼:新疆早期考古的历程与问题………………………………… 刘文锁
黄文弼与新疆史前考古……………………………………………………………… 郭 物
黄文弼发现罗布泊史前遗存的再认识及其它……………………………………… 李文瑛
黄文弼与斯坦因考察的若羌遗址………………………………………………… 伊藤敏雄
黄文弼的简牍学成就………………………………………………………………… 陈文豪
黄文弼在克孜尔石窟续论…………………………………………………………… 霍旭初
黄文弼与吐鲁番学…………………………………………………………………… 孟宪实
黄文弼于新疆吐鲁番考古的历史奉献……………………………………………… 王 樾
黄文弼高昌文化研究手迹初探……………………………………………………… 段真子
读《吐鲁番考古记》札记…………………………………………………………… 柴剑虹
《黄文弼蒙新考察日记》的历史价值……………………………………………… 周 轩
赫定及其团员贝格曼、黄文弼的考古工作……………………… 汉肯·瓦尔奎斯特
黄文弼和斯文赫定的书信往来……………………………………………………… 韩 琦
斯文赫定与伦敦皇家地理学会关系研究…………………………………………… 王冀青
伯希和与黄文弼……………………………………………………………………… 王 楠
北京大学时期的黄文弼……………………………………………………………… 朱玉麒
黄文弼与胡适:20世纪上半叶中国西北考察与研究之侧影……………………… 刘子凡
黄文弼先生事辑:朱希祖、夏鼐日记中的黄文弼………………………………… 许全胜
黄文弼先生与中央古物保管委员会西安办事处的古物古迹调查………………… 刘 瑞
黄文弼先生与西安碑林…………………………………………………… 赵力光、杨 洁
读《徐旭生西游日记》随札………………………………………………………… 吴华峰
黄烈先生之史学研究与整理黄文弼西北史地之成果……………………………… 施新荣
黄文弼所获西域文献的学术价值…………………………………………………… 荣新江
黄文弼发现的一件帕提亚语残片…………………………………………………… 德 金
《后秦白雀元年九月某人随葬衣物疏》补说…………………………………… 关尾史郎
黄文弼先生所获《比丘尼僧愿抄经发愿文》小议………………………………… 彭 杰
——兼论回鹘高昌“二十二城”名实…………………………………………付 马
粟特文学和艺术中的印度故事…………………………… 尼古拉斯•辛姆斯-威廉姆斯
于阗语《无垢净光大陀罗尼经》之源与流…………………………………………段 晴
和田新发现汉语、胡语文书所见“筋脚”考………………………………………毕 波
新疆库车县龟兹古城初步勘查………………………………………………………李 肖
伯希和与中国学者摩尼教研究交流补考…………………………………王 楠、史 睿
Preface………………………………………………………………………Rong Xinjiang
Huang Wenbi and Archaeology of Xinjiang……………………………… Wang Binghua
From M. A. Stein to Huang Wenbi: Process and Questions in
Early History of Xinjiang Archaeology…………………………………Liu Wensuo
Huang Wenbi and Prehistoric Archaeology of Xinjiang…………………………Guo Wu
The Rethinking on Remains of Loulan Discoveried by Huang Wenbi……… Li Wenying
Ruins of Charklik Investigated by Huang Wenbi and A. Sein …………………Ito Toshio
The Achievement of Huang Wenbi’s Research on Han Wooden Slips………Chen Wenhao
Further Discussion on Huang Wenbi and the Kizil Grottoes………………… Huo Xuchu
Huang Wenbi and Turfan studies……………………………………………Meng Xianshi
Huang Wenbi and Archaeology in Turfan………………………………………Wang Yue
Primary Study on the Manuscripts of Huang Wenbi's Research
on Culture of Chotscho……………………………………………………Duan Zhenzi
Reading Notes for Turfan Kao Gu Ji …………………………………………Chai Jianhong
On the Historical Values of Huang Wenbi’s Diaries of Mongolia
and Xinjiang Expedition…………………………………………………… Zhou Xuan
Sven Hedin and the Archaeology of Central Asia: His Own Work
–the Participation of Folke Bergman and Huang Wenbi……………… Håkan Wahlquist
The Correspondence between Seven Hedin and Huang Wenbi……………………… Han Qi
A Preliminary Study of Sven Hedin’s Relations with
the Royal Geographical Society of London…………………………………Wang Jiqing
Paul Pelliot and Huang Wenbi………………………………………………………Wang Nan
Records on Huang Wenbi at Peking University …………………………………… Zhu Yuqi
Huang Wenbi and Hu Shi: A Story about Research on
Northwest China in the Early 20th Century…………………………………………Liu Zifan
Collected Stories of Mr. Huang Wenbi from two Diaries
by Zhu Xizu and Xia Nai………………………………………………… Xu Quansheng
Mr. Huang Wenbi Antiquities Investigate in the Central Commission
for the Preservation of Antiquities of Xi'an Office……………………………… Liu Rui
Mr. Huang Wenbi and Xi'an Beilin…………………………………Zhao Liguang & Yang Jie
On Xu Xusheng’s Northwest Journey Diary…………………………………… Wu Huafeng
Huang Lie's Research Findings on History and Huang Wenbi's Works ………… Shi Xinrong
The Importance of Documents from the Western Regions
Acquired by Huang Wenbi ……………………………………………… Rong Xinjiang
The Parthian Fragment Discovered by Huang Wenbi…………Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
Tocharian materials published in Talimu Pendi Kaoguji and
Xinjiang Kaogu Fajue Bagao………………………………………… Ogihara Hirotoshi
On the Old Uyghur Texts Collected by Huang Wenbi………………………Abdurishid Yakup
A Supplement Study of the Funereal Statement in the First Year
of Baique of Later Qin……………………………………………………… Sekio Shiro
On the Script of Bhikshuni Seng-yuan Making a Vow that Found
by Mr. Huang Wenbi…………………………………………………………… Peng Jie
Cities of the Uyghur Kingdom of Qočo Seen in
Manuscripts Collected by Huang Wenbi: On the Exact
Number of Cities in the Turfan Basin (9th—11th Century)………………………Fu Ma
Primary Notes on Chinese Documents of Yuan Dynasty
in Mr. Huang Wenbi's Collections………………………………………… Dang Baohai
Indian Tales in Sogdian Literature and Art…………………………… Nicholas Sims-Williams
Khotanese Kalpa-sūtra and its Apotropaic Use in Stūpa Cult……………………… Duan Qing
An Investigation of Jinjiao (lit. “tendon and foot”) :
Based on the Newly-discovered Chinese and
Jewish-Persian Documents from Khotan……………………………………………Bi Bo
The Old Turkish Buddhist Text on the dvādaśa-astaṅgapratītyasamutpāda
„twelve links of dependentarising“………………………………………… Kasai Yukiyo
Central Asian Manuscript Forgeries:
A Little Known Consequence of the ‘Great Game’…………………Ursula Sims-Williams
Turfan Museum Collection the Official Document of Dihua
Government Office in Hongxian Year 1 and the Report
Attachment of Shanghai Book Industry Association…………………………… Liu Zhijia
The Study of Zhang Qiying Letters…………………………………………………Liu Xuetang
Some Problems on the Peoples and Their Cultures in Ancient Xinjiang…………… Xu Wenkan
The Internalized Vassal State System and the Thirty-six Kindoms
of the Western Regions in the Western Han Dynasty…………………………Jia Congjiang
Investigation on the Study of The Stone Inscription by Liu Pingguo………………… Tao Yuzhi
An Identification and Correction to the Two Theories of the
Initial Path of the Introduction of Buddhism into China:
Marine Path and Dian-Burma Path……………………………………………Yao Chongxin
The Ancient Greek God Seen on the Screen of Shimaping Funeral
Couch in Tianshui City, Gansu Province………………………………………Shen Ruiwen
The living of Residents of Oasis Country on the Silk Road……………………… Pei Chengguo
The Preliminary Survey on the Site of Qiuci City of Kuqa County of Xinjiang………… Li Xiao
Ancient Ruins around the Kumtura Village: Some Observations from the
Unearthed Manuscripts and the Early Expedition Records……………… Ching Chao-jung
Study on Exploring for the West Regions in China Related with
the Xinjiang Maps………………………………………………………………Li Xiaocong
From Collating Data to Geological Survey: The Cognition and Research on Xinjiang's
Geology by Chinese Geologists during the first Half of the 20th Century… Zhang Jiuchen
Documents on the Exploration of Xinjiang in N. F. Petrovsky’s Fund in the
Archives of Orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS…………Popova Irina
Fragments of the Turfan Mural Recorded
by Albert Grünwedel and S. F. Oldenburg…………………………………… Kira Samosiuk
Russian expedition on Turpan Dataor Grottoes
And Xiaotaor Grottoes………………………………………Chen Aifeng & Cao Hongyong
Further Remarks on Paul Pelliot’s Academic Communication with His Chinese
Counterparts on the Studies of Manichaeism in China…………………Wang Nan & Shi Rui
New Viewpoint on "Investigations in Inner Asia at the Beginning of the 20th Century":
Sven Hedin, Monshu Ohtani Kozui and Officials of the Qing Dynasty………Sirasu Joushin
The Other Side of Ohtani Kozui…………………………………………………… Shibata Mikio
Summary of the International Symposium on Huang Wenbi and the
Sino-Swedish Northwest China Scientific Expedition……………………………Xu Yujuan