关于鸠摩罗什札记………………………………………伯希和 撰,富安敦 整理,张广达 等译
俄罗斯国立艾尔米塔什博物馆所藏库车、锡克沁壁画题记…………………………… 荻原裕敏
——评介Die Erforschung des Tocharischen und die alttürkische Maitrisimit………… 庆昭蓉
俄藏回鹘文《摩尼教徒忏悔词》译注 ………………………………………………………张铁山
唐碎叶故城出土“石沙陁龟符”初探……………………………………………………… 孟宪实
从高昌到西州——中古吐鲁番佛教寺院社会功能的转变………………………………… 姚崇新
丝绸之路与高昌经济——以高昌国的银钱使用与流通为中心…………………………… 裴成国
杨志烈之死——安史之乱后的河西失陷与北庭隔绝……………………………………… 刘子凡
和田出土粟特语文献中的四件经济文书………………… 毕 波、尼古拉斯·辛姆斯-威廉姆斯
吐蕃统治时期于阗的行政区划……………………………………………………………… 朱丽双
吐蕃统治时期于阗的职官…………………………………………………………………… 沈 琛
伊朗史诗《库什王纪》所载古代中国地理信息刍议……………………………………… 刘英军
斯卡奇科夫收集品中的瑰宝(二篇)……………………… 李福清、索洛米娜 撰,杨军涛 译
文化视阈中的伊犁将军松筠研究…………………………………………………………… 史国强
《奇台县乡土志》考略……………………………………………………………………… 夏国强
中国内地会新疆传教士巴富义传记及其史料价值………………………………………… 蒋小莉
黄文弼:中国新疆考古的先驱…………………………………………… 郑智明 撰,蒋小莉 译
“重走黄文弼西北考古之路”行程日志·2015…………………………………………… 吴华峰
Literature & History of the Western Regions
Vol. X
Zhu Yuqi Editor-in-Chief
Beijing: Science Press, 2015.12
Notes sur Kumārajīva …………………………Paul Pelliot, ed. Antonio Forte, tr. Zhang Guangda, etc.
A Brief Report on the Kuchean and Other Inscriptions in Brāhmī Script Presently
Surviving in the Cave 39, Kizil Grottoes……Kucha Academy of Xinjiang; Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History, Peking University; Institute for Historical and Philological Studies of China’s Western Regions, School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of China
Captions on the Murals from Kucha and Shorchuk Housed in
the State Hermitage Museum ………………………………………………… Ogihara Hirotoshi
Progress on the Studies of the Toacharian Languages and the Maitrisimit:
Introduction and Remarks to Die Erforschung des Tocharischen
und die alttürkische Maitrisimit………………………………………………… Ching Chao-jung
Translation and Annotation of the Old Uighur “xuastuanift” Collected in Russia………Zhang Tieshan
A Study on the “Shi Shatuo Tortoise Tally” Unearthed from Suyab
of the Tang Dynasty………………………………………………………………… Meng Xianshi
From Gaochang Kingdom to Xizhou Prefecture: The Transformation
of Social Function of Buddhist Temples in Medieval Turpan………………………Yao Chongxin
The Ancient Sild Road and the Economy of Gaochang Kingdom: From the
Perspective of Usage and Circulation of Silver Coins under the Gaochang ……… Pei Chengguo
The Death of Yang Zhilie: Situations of Hexi and Beiting
after the An Lushan Rebellion…………………………………………………………… Liu Zifan
Four Sogdian Economic Documents from Khotan………………… Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams
A Preliminary Survey of Administrative Divisions of Tibetan-ruled Khotan…………… Zhu Lishuang
Studies on the Bureaucratic Establishment of Khotan during Tibetan Rule………………… Shen Chen
A Study of the Geographic Information on Ancient China Contained
in the Iranian Epic Kūshnāma………………………………………………………… Liu Yingjun
Treasures in Konstantin Skachkov’s Collection ( Two treatises)
………………………………………………Boris L. Riftin & Olga L. Solomina(tr. Yang Juntao)